Business Challenge

  • Worker safety
    • Personal behavior monitoring and events reporting
    • Gas Sensor data monitoring and reporting
    • Muster event management​
  • Contractor management

Technical Challenges

  • Heavy metal obstructions
  • Corrosive gases
  • Extreme temperature changes
  • RF interference to be avoided
  • Minimal effect on operations
  • Location indoor/outdoor, inside pipe trails, and 3D location also with the towers

Business Outcome

  • Automated attendance & zone dwell
  • Managed muster events
  • Secured restricted areas
  • Report emergencies
    • Panic button
    • Man down
    • Fall detection
  • Hazardous conditions
  • Monitor lone worker
  • Authorize tools usage
  • Record, replay, audit events
  • Communicate remotely
  • Geo-fencing
  • The personal emergency event handling time reduced from 24 hours to 9 min (from detection to the rescue team approaching the person)

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